Boy Scouts
" promote, stimulate, foster and encourage by all manner and means the art and craft of model railroading...."
- NMRA Regulations, Article I, Section 2
As members of a charitable non-profit organization, we have a responsibility to serve the community and extend our influence beyond our membership base. The Railroading Merit Badge program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is one way we can conduct valuable and relevant outreach among our friends and neighbors and share the fun of model railroading.
In June of 2010 I challenged each Division Superintendent to appoint a Division Boy Scout Coordinator and with that person's help, to actively promote the Railroading Merit Badge program in each community within the division's boundaries. Responses are trickling in, so if you're interested in filling this vital role in your division, please call or write your Division Superintendent.
A primary responsibility of the Coordinator is to encourage NMRA Members to become BSA-sanctioned Railroading Merit Badge Counselors and to help them complete the simple registration process. Furthermore, the Coordinator should be an advocate for youth (regardless of age or gender) by ensuring that each division activity provides opportunities whereby young people can share in the fascination of railroading, both model and full size.
None of us is getting any younger and, like me, you may have noticed the general lack of new, younger members in our ranks. Quality involvement with teens, as can be experienced via the Railroading Merit Badge program, will produce a positive memory in that young person’s mind and will certainly lead to future involvement of some in the NMRA.
Please remember that the Railroading Merit Badge is a BSA program managed by local BSA council leaders according to rules established by BSA. If you want to know more, a comprehensive fact sheet discussing the merit badge program and merit badge counselor responsibilities can be found at the BSA Website.
Region Boy Scout Coordinator: TBD
Division Boy Scout Coordinators
Sunrise Division - Louis Surles
South Suburban Division -
Pikes Peak Division -
Estes Valley Division -
Rio Grande Division -
Roadrunner Division -
Flat Irons Division -
Northern Colorado Division -
Silver San Juan Division -
Southern Wyoming Division -
Nothern Wyoming Division -
Colorado Western Division -
Northern Utah Division -
Front Range Division -
Arkansas Valley Division -
Southern Utah Division -
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Copyright Rocky Mountain Region NMRA
For website changes or additions, contact Web Content Manager - Lloyd Thomson